Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I refuse to apologize

I refuse to apologize for being me. Everybody wants that honest friend who will tell them how it is with out sugar coating it with bullshyt. IM THAT BITCH.... dont repremend me for keepin it real wit u. thas what u asked for. and honey dont ask for the truth if u wanna hear lies! Ima pretty honest person I will lie to keep my ass off the line just like anyone else. but truth is im a horrible liar! i mean terrible ... this is both a gift and a curse but mostly a gift. I know that everyone cant b ur friend and everyone wont like you. but let me sayh this to everyone IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME OR ANYTHING I SAY be a man or woman about yours and ask me about it i will GLADLY tell u whats good... Dont go behind my back n talk shyt thas not cool. I dont like people who aint doin shyt with there lives so in 09 those people have been DELETED!!!! LLS.... there are so many men out here who act like cold skirts..... MAN THE FUCK UP..DAMN and to all u wreckless ass bitches ATTEMPT TO B GROWN ABOUT YOURS! im tired of faCEBOOK AND MYSPACE GANGSTERS who start shyt on a damn computer but cant say shyt to you. And tired of niggas who are internet whores..its a new year people. Ive made so many changes this year already if u havent heard from me either via phone, text, email or fb then ur one of those changes... and you know who you are. for all of yall i fucks wit. you know me! u know how i am so if you dont want to hear the truth pleaaasssseee dont ask. ANd because u know me so well u know that i will come to you if ever your name is in ANYTHING thas bad. I wouldnt leave u out in the cold bout shyt that got to do with you thas how i am i'd respect u if you do the same. But dnt get salty cuz i ask u a question thats for kids. I respect people who are loyal and dont run baheind ur back and tell others shyt about you when ur not around. If you do that and its about me dont get mad when i pull ur cards on it real shyt. I thank everybody for readin this note either u a good friend n someone i fuck wit or you need to read this and really contemplate the shyt...

Monday, January 19, 2009

amen!!!! u can say that shyt again...

mind ur fucking business!!!!

wait one more time

mind ur fucking business!!!!!!!

Lord theres nothing worse than a nosey muthafuka or a hater ... geesh does it make ur day to wake up in the a.m. and think of ways to fuck wit me? do you feel important when my name is coming out of your mouth? its strange how you dedicate notes to me via facebook and myspace just to talk shyt and yet i dnt gratify you with a particular response. well ima a lil feed up so mind it bitch! damn the phrase " hated by many envied by most" SO TRUE.. honey ima put it to you like this haters are annoying and they get old but if you dont have any then u aint doin sumthin right... PREACH

and then you have the people who offer there opinion when no one asked for the shyt. *newsflash* if i didn't ask u what u think or what u would do then just shut tha fuk up!!!! ladies i know we all have those friends who just itch to give there damn opinion in certain situations when its not welcome. Fellas I know u got that one male friend who thinks he knows EVERYTHING and just cant help but to fill u in on all the shyt he's got cramed in his little head.

there are 3 types of friends...

1.) the one that tells u what u need to hear even when u dont wanna hear it

2.) the one who tells u what u should do but sugar coats it in an attempt not to hurt your feelings

3.) the wild card that will say whatever the hell comes to mind you know the one that always says" guuuuuuuuurrrrlll i gotta knife lets roll by his house bet his car be on flats tomorrow" or in some cases the extreme one who says " bitch i got the gasoline u get a match he wont come tha fuck around no more" LOLOLOLOLOL (me)

and on rare occasion #1 or 2 is a judgmental muthafuka... they just gotta tell you how you doing shyt wrong and what you need to do but there damn situation fucked up just as much as yours is.


geesh let me school these bitches do me a favor think about what your gonna say before you open your mouth and if you have the urge to give your opinion when no one asked for it just DON'T cuz 9 times out of 10 YOU are the only person who gives a damn about what u think...

*this has been a public service announcement for hatin ass muthafuckas and nosey as bitches*

thank you we will now tune back to your regularly scheduled program.LLS