Is there somthing about the summer that makes niggas lose there mind? SERIOUSLY i know its hot out but as soon as bitches start to get naked and where lil ass shirts niggas trip the FUCK OUT. i damn near wanna put my foot up this niggas ass, Suddenly they wanna hang out wit there niggas oh bitch but in the winter u wanna bun up n shyt... WTF yall are trippin and what is it wit niggas growin balls cuz its hot? nigga if u was ugly when it was cold a higher temperature wont change that the devil is a liar...
~~today I seen sum wild ass shyt I seen a nigga bitch!!! it was a man yes darling but he was dressed like abitch he was a ugly man to. sweetie if u gonna try to b a female please make sure u dont look like the joker n a dress its not becoming at all of anyone...smh...
~~and this maybe rude of me but who the fuck told people in wheel chairs it was okay to run over ur foot and keep going??? I understand u cant use ur legs anymore thas sad and all but bitch i want my toes!!!!!!
~~and why do 40 year olds think its okay to rock the kiesha cole u know that blonde n red shyt and a mini skirt. BITCH ur 50 stop it let it go...
~~has anyone seen these bitches walkin around lookin like they came straight outta 1982??? okay i get ti i luv fasion to yeah sum 80's influence is back BUT muthafucka if you got on that whole swish swish suit wit the flowers on it a dookie chain and sum big ass geeky glasses complete wit the leaned over reeboks... then i suggest u kill urself and start all over ur a fucking extremist and its not tha fukin serious!!!
~~ ladies I know straight legs have made a cumback but bitch if ur thighs and knees touch but ur calfs are about 4 or 5 inches a part that shyt aint for you boo boo
~~Jordan is arguably one of the best sneaker brands ever made but there are sum funny lookin ones going around. if you paid 60 dollas for yours and you dont wear a kiddie size shoe give em back... if you jumpman sign is bending over putting lotion on his knee cap u might not wanna wear em and if the tounge looks like carpet... yeah give those up babez..
~~I know sum guys wanna get into the grown n sexy look example... neyo, jay-z , snoop but honey you can not come to class in a suit jacket sum jeans sneakers and a sweater vest wtf r u 19 going on 40??
~~ if you are over 40 u have dreads and you have a bald spot CUT THEM please dont try to swing them over to cover the big ass patch missin from the middle of your scalp its not hot trust me no young gurls r gonna mistake u for weezy...
~~ if you dont have at least 4 to 6 pairs of jeans in ur closet try not to wear the same pair 3 times a week cause i will assume ur dirty and commence to fry u everytime you walk by...
~~ where are all these internet gangsters coming from?? why can u writ anonomusly in my honesty box that ima bitch or whatever but you pass me evrey day and you cant take time out of ur busy hater schedule to tell me to my face?
~~I was walking thru the city the other day and I noticed an increasing amount of sexy ass dudes with ugly ass bitches... when did beauty and the beast become the hot new trend??? some one please inform me i missed the memo...
~~ and last but not least if you go to the club with a new outfit BUY NEW SHOES dnt be fresh up top and raggedy on the bottom it matters. And if you are over 35 and someones father and grandfather ... ummm maybe you shouldnt be at the club on college night. u have just become the old creepy guy who follows jailbait around the clubjust sum thoughts LOL
2 days ago