I heard this quote from my favorite porn star pinky. Now thas a bad bitch but thas a whole notha note so anyway... Thia quotebreally caught my attention it made me think about the shyt people do mostly niggas. If a man doesnt do anything with his life(example) doesnt WORK or go to school and doesnt try to better himself does he have any self worth?
Everyone has things they could change about themselves in order to be better but if a person doesnt want to better themselves wether its with education, personality, looks whatever the case may be does that mean there not worth anything in their mind?
I have this annoying habit of seeing the best in people sometimes shyt they dny eveb see n themselves. Its fuked up cause i see there potenial and i feel its so neccessary to help them see it that at times i dnt realize they dnt give a fuk. Shyt just ask my dumb ass ex. I noticed alot of women do that. This is what i have to say to you..." bitch if he dont have a job, dont want one, ask u for money all day and is okay with that, reads at a 3rd grade level and cant stop starin at other bitches but claims he loves you. WHAT THE FUCK IS HE WORTH?"
SHYT thas right drop that ass n chuck dat sorry nigga a duece. Stop holdin on to muthafukas who have no self worth. That applies to ur friends as well... If ur home gurl is always broke so she cant go habg out wit u unless ur payin, only dates "ballers", has every designer purse but an empty wallet, no job, depends on niggas to get her everyday neccesaties and whores around town. Leave that hoe be. You need friends who up lift u and help u be a better person. You need posotive role models n friends so that they can help u raise ur self worth not teach u how to bring it down.
You dnt need people who aint about shyt around u. So after readin this i suggest u evaluate ur friends, ur dude even your family and ask your self " what is this person worth? and are they a posotive force n my life or a negative?" after u firgure it out handle ur B.I. And get ur muthafuka life on shawty
2 days ago
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