So last night i was havin a convo with a dear friend hey double a!!!!! lol
we were talkin about female and male friends and the down sides to that type of friendship. Now ladies I must ask WTF is wrong wit yall??????? Okay you can nit lemme repeat that shyt CAN NOT have makeshift boyfriend-friends. You cant spend all this time with a guy go out to eat go to the movies, stay at his crib , get undressed n front of him then expect him not to try to fuck u. DUH bitches thas like getting ass naked in front of a man and expecting him not to look. STUPID AS SHYT. Fist of all if you are a sexual uninhibited female theres nothing wrong with that and you may like conversing with your friends about sex and you various skills theres also nothing wrong with that BUT if your male friend is getting treated like your boyfriend the least you can do is suck a nigga dick or sumthin. LMAO I mean damn how u gonna get mad at him for wantin to sex you when BITCH YOU FLAUNT THE PUSSY!!!!!! and then when he asks for sum or hint at it you act like he just tried to shoot the pope… ladies ladies ladies this shyt aint cool don’t call this nigga in the middle of the night bitchin about “ my boyfriend doesn’t do this and he don’t do that , the sex isint great” WTF okay if ima dude ima say well shyt bring urself over here and let me burn dat ass up all night ill give u sumthin to talk about. You trynna act like ur pussy is holier than though when both of yall know bitch u BOPPIN so why u fakin on the nigga that give u quality time and stay on the phone n take u out… oh but u let the nigga u met at the club last night hit and u dnt even fukin know his last name? SMH bitches…… like women get made at there male friends for comin on to them but we set ourselves up sumtimes… you gonna get undressed in front of a man and when he try to come for you u get mad ughhhhh DON’T SHOW ME A BOOB IF I CANT SUCK IT AND DON’T SHOW ME A ASS CHEEK IF I CANT FUCK IT real talk truest shyt I ever said…. BEIN YOUR FRIEND GETS A NIGGA BLUE BALLS AND A HEADACHE AND YOU WONDER WHY HE DISTANCES HIMSELF FROM YOU. All im sayin is see shyt from a dudes point of view sumtimes. I know its ur pussy u will do with it what u please but sum shyt just makes NO sense men are simple creatures they see it , they want it the go after it so don’t get mad if ur “homie” tries to b ur B-U-D-D-Y. musiq said it best a buddy is a equal benefical arangment
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